Anus & Rectum
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Bloods in discharge and bloods in mucus on stools
3 years
Hi , I’m a teenage girl and I often found a drop of bloods on my discharge , and I have constipation and also hemorrhoids , and when i look at my stool , the mucus covering the stool also has bl…
- Anonymous
Haemorrhoids prolapse and must be pushed back in by a finger. Always in pain and difficult to walk
3 years
My mom has haemorrhoid which is might be at stage 3. So doctor, i would like to know what is the best treatment for the haemorrhoid? If the best solution is by operation, may i know roughly abou…
- Anonymous
Rectum abscess few weeks
3 years
Hi, i been diagnose for rectum abscess for few weeks, doctor prescribed antibiotics and painkiller but it doesnt subsided, any home remedies recommend?
- Anonymous
There is blood in my stool is this normal?
3 years
i am a 20 year olds student with an irregular stool schedule. one day i noticed there is blood in the toilet as i was using it as the toilet water became completely red. the blood arent sticking…
- Anonymous